Sunday, October 16, 2011

1st contest by precious fitting

alalala..sonangnyaaa..suka la kalau contest yang cenggini..tengok contest yang kaka join kali ni xada pun banner..tak payah nak pusing-pusing kepala tampal banner on the top of entry kan..bagus sangat-sangat precious fitting anjurkan contest yang easy and simple ini picture yang menjadi harapan jiwa dan bangsa untuk contest ni adalah.... jeng jeng jeng


and the women who look gorgeous with pink clothe on this picture is my lovely mother
auwwcakk lagi sekali,ahakk!! :p

why I love this person??
AND my answer will be..
... because she is super duper women
that work so hard to make we as "1 HAPPY FAMILY"
she is so precious *the one and only
and mom...
you're like sparkling star to me
*yupp!! joke


Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

mak? ingatkan kakak..awet muda =)

kaka said...

hehe..yes my mom dear..thank,ni kalau my mom tahu mesti dia kembang :p

DfyStrawbery said...

gudluck syg :)

kaka said...

tenkiu dear :))